Sunday, April 29, 2007


We hope everyone has been enjoying the baby's pictures and video as much as we have. I have watched it over 20 times and have cried for most of them. Everything seems so real now that we can actually see the baby. Too bad we don't know if it is a girl or a boy! It has been so much fun listening to everyone guess. No matter what it is, I can't wait to hold her or him in my arms! Soon enough!

FYI: Our softball team at school has started out on a great note. As of now, we are 5-1!

Here's what is happening to the Baby(from baby is growing rapidly now. This week he weighs about half a pound more than he did last week (about 2 1/2 pounds total) and is a tad over 15 inches long from head to heel. His muscles and lungs are continuing to mature, and his head is getting bigger to accommodate his growing brain which is busy developing billions of neurons. Every day, about 200 milligrams of calcium is deposited in your baby's skeleton, which is now hardening. With this rapid growth, it's no surprise that your baby's nutritional needs reach their peak during this trimester.

Here's what is happening to me(from should be able to feel your baby's movements strongly now. Pay attention to the kicks and nudges, and let your practitioner know if you ever notice a decrease in activity. She may ask you to do fetal kick counts to make sure everything's okay.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Week 28 1/2 - 3D/4D Pictures

Today was FANTABULOUS!!! We got to the see the baby up close and personal for the first time. It was so exciting to see actual features, smiles & funny faces. I think it looks like Jay, but maybe with my mouth. I am dying to know if it is a boy or girl. I almost caved today.
Check out the pictures and let us know what you think!


Sunday, April 22, 2007


Well, we have started the third trimester. I can't believe it has been going by so fast. Nothing too new to report. Well...Monday we had a FLOOD DAY. Here in New Jersey. Crazy! FEMA even showed up..the day before the flood. Go figure! Many roads were closed all week. Finally by Friday the sun came out and the weather is fantastic. 70's, sunny, breezy! Also, I went to look out the window one day and my belly bumped the window before I got there. It kind of freaked me out and I just started laughing! HAHA!

Dr. Report: At this visit the doctor just measured my belly and said I am growing. I could have told him that. He also listened to the heartbeat and said it was about 150. Same as last time. I go back in three weeks.

Stay Tuned: 3-D pictures will be done on Wednesday!

Here's what is happening to Baby (from this week, your baby weighs a little over 2 pounds and measures about 14.8 inches from the top of her head to her heels. She can open her eyes — which now sport lashes — and she'll turn her head toward a continuous, bright light from the outside. Her fat layers are beginning to form, too, as she gets ready for life outside the womb.

Here's what is happening to Me (from're in the home stretch! The third trimester starts this week and lasts until 40 weeks. If you're like most women, you'll gain about 11 pounds this trimester.

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Week 27

I was on spring break this week and enjoyed every minute of it. My mom & I flew to NO for the week and the weather couldn't have been better. In the 70's, sunny, and breezy...NICE! I had a great time hanging out with my best buds and helping Carrie work on her wedding plans. I also took a trip to BR to see Heath and my cousins. To end the week, my sis-in-law, Christy, came in and we had a baby shower together. We had lots of fun and thanks to everyone who came. My favorite was the scratch-n-sniff game! Thanks to my mom and aunts for putting the shower together. It was FABULOUS!

Here are some pics:

Too much Partying!!

Here's what is happening to Baby(from baby is really starting to fill up your uterus. This week he weighs almost 2 pounds and is about 14.4 inches long with his legs extended. He now sleeps and wakes at regular intervals. He may suck his fingers, and although his lungs are still immature, they would be capable of functioning with assistance if he were born prematurely. Chalk up any rhythmic movement you may be feeling to a case of baby hiccups, which may be common from now on.

Sunday, April 8, 2007


This week the baby is still kicking like crazy for Jay & I but seems to be shy in front of Nana and Grandma & Grandpa. Everytime they put there hand on my belly, the baby stops. They are starting to think I am making things up!
We had a GREAT Easter, but ate too much! The Easter bunny brought me scratch offs and I won $40!! My mom has been here since Thursday. Saturday, we saw Wicked in the city. It rocked! We both fly to N.O. Tuesday morning and I'll be there till next weekend. I am ready to get in the sun. It is too cold here!!

We also set up the baby's cradle. It is soooooo cute! The alligator laughs like a baby and the tiger plays the fight song as a lullabye. We can't wait to bring our little tiger home!

Dr. Report: The baby's heartbeat is 150. Anywhere from 120-160 is normal. It has gone down each time. Many people believe that a higher heartbeat means girl. We'll see!! I go back to the doctor in two weeks and then every week after that. We are creeping up on the third trimester in another week. I can't believe we are 2/3rds of the way there! We are both kind of freaking!

Here's what is happening to Baby (from Your baby now weighs a little less than 2 pounds and measures about 14 inches. Her weight will more than triple between now and birth as she rapidly puts on baby fat. She'll need that fat to help adjust to colder temperatures outside the womb and as a source of energy and calories in the first days of life. It's not uncommon for newborns, especially those who are breastfed, to lose weight (sometimes as much as 10 percent of their birth weight) in the first week after birth. If you're having a boy, his testicles are beginning to descend into his scrotum a trip that will take about two to three days.

Sunday, April 1, 2007

Week 25

Hello all! Baby activity has definitely kicked up a notch. I feel like the baby is doing ADVANCED Tae Bo now. We might even name him Billy if it's a boy. Just Kidding! It is really cool to feel everything, but strange to see your stomach jumping by itself when you look at it.

Saturday night we went to dinner with Dana & Michelle!

Sunday we had an open house. Say a prayer that our place sells soon!

Here's what is happening to Baby(from
Head to heels, your baby now measures about 13 1/2 inches. His weight a pound and a half doesn't sound like much, but he's beginning to exchange his long, lean look for a more rounded one. As your baby gains weight, his wrinkled skin will begin to smooth out and he'll start to look more and more like a newborn. His hair has color and texture now, although both will likely change after he's born. Babies born with red hair can turn into brunettes, dark tresses can turn fair, and curly hair can go straight, or vice versa.

Here's what is happening to Me(from
Your baby's not the only one with more hair your locks may look more full and lustrous than ever. It's not that you're growing more hair, but the hair you'd normally shed is sticking around longer than usual. You may also notice darker or thicker body hair, and it's not uncommon to sprout new hair growth on your chin, upper lip, jaw, cheeks, breasts, or belly, thanks to an increase in sex hormones known as androgens. All will return to normal in the weeks after you give birth. You probably can't move around as gracefully as before. Continuing to exercise is safe, but use your common sense: Don't work out when you're feeling overly tired, and stop if you develop any pain or feel at all fatigued, dizzy, or short of breath. Don't lie on your back too long or do any exercise where you're apt to lose your balance. Be sure to drink plenty of water and make time for both warm-up and cool-down periods.

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