Sunday, October 26, 2008

Christopher's First Birthday!


Since Nola woke up feeling better and only had a runny nose, we decided to head over to the Danas for Chris' birthday party! Nola loved this little play house!

Playing Ring Around the Rosie with Apple Dumpling the clown!

Magic with the clown!

While waiting for Apple Dumpling to make balloon animals, Nola grabbed this 8 year old boy's hand who she did not know at all and started smiling at him. I think we was a little freaked out! What are we in for?!

This is a TOTAL Jay pic!

The Parachute game!


The Danas' front lawn!

"Why am I locked up? I am the birthday boy!"

The most delicious cake!

Sydney Rose enjoying her cake!

All the kids loved this present!

I think Nola thought it was hers!

Thanks Danas for a great party! We had a blast!

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Change of Plans & Halloween Package

Our original plans were to go to Nola's class this morning and then head in to the city to watch the LSU/UGA game at the new LSU bar. However, Nola had other plans. She woke up last night at 10 with the croup cough! She had no plans to go back into her own bead after we sat by the hot bath water for a while. Since we felt bad for her we let her sleep in our bed. OMG! Nola is a tornado when she sleeps! Jay & I were on the edges of the bed and Nola had the whole middle. She kept turning, moving, crying, she even hit the head board a few times, needless to say, we all didn't really get much sleep. She started pulling on her ears this morning so we headed to the dr. because that combined with the crazy cough and the GOBS of snot we thought it was better to get it checked out. Nola is ear infections...the Dr. said she probably got a cold on top of the other cold she no class and she & I stayed home to hang out and watch the Tigers lose :( Here are some pics!

Nana & Grumps sent a Halloween present..perfect timing to lift her spirits!

" open!"

"Thanks...this money is going into my LSU college account...I guess I'll still go even though they BLEW it tonight!"

"Ooh... what are these frosty coupons? They sound good but could you please talk to my mom and see if I can have one."

While the game was going on Nola & I made the goody bags for the Trunk or Treat this week and for our Halloween Party on Friday!

Mommy's big helper!

Awhhh...I did catch her hiding a few bags of pretzels that I had to steal back from her!
We had a fun time!

We have a busy week ahead so as long as Nola isn't too sick we should have a few posts!

P.S. Last night we did birthday with the Andersens and Keith & Heather gave me the BEST present EVER...a one time maid service...I am sooooo excited but Jay is soooo pissed! He said I better really trash the house before I use it! I guess people do read our blog!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

New Orleans Weekend!

Team Andersen headed home for a socially PACKED weekend. W e left early Friday morning to catch our flight out of Laguardia. Here is Nola on the bus from the parking garage to the airport. Doesn't she look so happy!
"Good Morning!"

Once we landed we headed to Aunt NeNe's to meet my godson, Dan III. He was too cute but I didn't get a picture because I was too busy holding him. After our visit we headed to Drago's, seafood restaurant, for my birthday lunch. We had a great time!

Jay eating a raw oyster!.....GROSS!

Connor playing peek-a-boo with the menu

Uncle Mikey & Nola

Aunt Carrie, Nola, Connor & me

Uncle Jay & Connor

As soon as we got home there was a knock on the door and it was Tracey & McKenzie. This was their first time meeting. So cute! I can't believe how big Nola looks compared to babies.

"I'll take that!"

Friday night Nanny, Paran & G-Momma came over for pizza and trick or treating...okay no candy but we like to torture Nola in her costume! Here is your sneak peek!

G-Momma & the bee

Nanny & the bee

Nanny, Honey & the bee

Saturday was my 29th birthday! Happy & sad! I am really upset to see my 20s end..there's no turning back...but I am very happy with my life and what has been accomplished so far. So Saturday I got my nails done with G-Momma...finally...I won't describe what took place at the salon but I will say I felt like I got a new pair of feet and thank heaven for those razor blades.

My birthday lunch was Canes...Mmmmmm!

Then Saturday night Jay & I headed to my friend Wendy's wedding! We had a fun time and got some sneak peeks of the LSU game...we pulled that one out!

Wendy & James

Sunday was Dan Michael's christening at St. Dominics. It was really nice but we were all ready to head to Dan & Lenee's for some good fried fish, lots of drinks, & even a dance off....see below.

Grumps & Nola

Mommy & Nola

Baby Dan getting his holy water!

Godparents & Parents

Parents & Baby

Okay after many drinks....Dan decided he wanted to do a dance off...
"This is how we dance!"

Aunt Carrie & Connor dancing

Uncle Mikey had a party too so we took turns going back & forth from house to house. This is how Jay tortures his daughter.


Monday morning we woke up tired but we still had a whole day to play before we flew home. We hung out at Nana & Grumps' for a while before heading in to meet Aunt Mary & the girls at Superior Grill.

Meredith & Nola

Meredith, Taylor & Nola

Nola eating chips & salsa

She likes to dip!

And double dip!

In case you were thinking the theme of the weekend was were you see why I gain 5 pounds whenever I go matter how many days we are there.
We have so much fun though!

THANK YOU for such a great always goes so fast but Christmas will be here before we know it!

More Pics

Thursday, October 16, 2008

15 Months & Trip to See Big Jeff

Last week, Nola had her 15 month checkup! Her current stats are Height-301/2 in (50%-down from 65%), Weight 22.4 (45%-up from 40%), and Head Circumference-181/2 in (80%-down from 90%). Nola also got one dose of the flu shot and a DPT dose. We chose to hold off on the MMR until next month along with the second dose of the flu shot.

Nola is at such a fun stage right now! She has us laughing so hard everyday. She loves dancing, singing, and of course, reading, is still her favorite. She understands so many small commands, like "Push your straw down" or "Bring me your shoes." She LOVES to pretend and she copies us all the time. Just tonight she was cleaning the table with a rag. So cute! She has a few words in her vocabulary, her favorite being "Up," but just recently started saying "Uh-Oh!" She says apple, down, and sit and she says beginning sounds of many other words, like "Ba for bannana." She surely keeps us on our toes and we never know what she is going to do next!
Last weekend we took Nola to see the singer Big Jeff at the Morristown Farmers Market, he's like Raffi for us. It was free so Jay agreed to go. Nola had never seen a person sing live, but she seemed to enjoy it. She kept staring at him and smiling, but she doesn't like to stay in one place, so after a little while we walked around the market and bought some veggies for Jay's crockpot be continued.
It was a gorgeous day and it was really nice spending some family time together. That's always my favorite!

"Ummm...can I have one of those?"

"Okay, maybe I'll just take the bag and you can keep the basket."

This was before we even pulled out of the parking lot. I wish there was sound...ZZZZZZ!

Okay I tried to get some of the trees changing colors for y'all but this does not do it justice AT ALL! It is beautiful here right now. I love the fall and the change of all the leaves. It's gorgeous!

Okay, back to Jay's crockpot meal. Monday he had off and decided to cook a porkchop crockpot stew meal...our neighbors decided to stop by and agreed to stay for dinner so we would have the porchop meal and some soup, but right before dinner our sink backed was the worst thing ever. Jay kept shoving the snake thing into all the pipes for 3 hours until he got it. He was determined not to pay for a plumber, but he did it. Needless to say, he didn't get to eat his meal and we spent hours cleaning up black from everywhere...disgusting. I think Jay is going to apply for his plumbing out Mike. I've been fighting a cold all week and had to take a half day Tuesday to get back on my feet. I refuse to be sick for this weekend. OK enough rambling.

So we are off spend some time with our family in New Orleans. I have been feeling homesick lately and I need to get my fix! Check back for updates from our busy weekend!

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