Sunday, May 30, 2010

Michael & Brandi's Wedding!

The Groom!

My Little Bro

When did we get so old?

Jay & I

Practice run for Tripp, Nola & Paulie

Uncle Nolan & Grammie

Friday during the day we went to Aunt Brandi's dad's house for a bridal luncheon & to get ready.

Nola getting her hair done!

While Aunt Brandi was taking pics Nola was chillin out playing pinball!


Waiting around before the big moment!

Nola & G-Momma

Who would have thought this day would come?

Look how happy Uncle Mike looks.
We've never seen him so excited!

At the reception, the kids wasted no time before they tore up the dance floor.
They were definitely a hit!

The Clay family with Papere!

The Andersens with Papere...he's turning 90 in a few weeks!

The grooms cake!


Nola & Uncle Mikey during the money dance!

Kate, Jay, Meghan, & Keith


Mr. & Mrs. Michael Clay

Saturday we took it easy and hung out before going back to Nana & Grumps! Uncle Heath & Aunt Erica stopped by so we could meet Baby Luke. What a cutie! Thanks guys!

Sweet Boy!

Jay really wanted to hit the LSU bookstore before we left.
It was the hottest day ever!

We even got a peek at Mike the Tiger who was chillin out!

We couldn't leave without a snowball, so we took the kids after dinner.

"This is delicious!"


CONGRATS Mike & Brandi!
Thanks for letting us be a part of your special time!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

25 Weeks & Counting!

Right now the baby is about 13 1/2 inches and weighs about 1 1/2 lbs. At this point they are comparing him to a rutabaga. I'm not even quite sure what that looks like.

I am feeling really good. I have gained 16 lbs. so far. 12 lbs. less than Nola at this point so I am happy. The heartbeat was in the 140's! I am not really swollen at all but I am sure it's coming. The weather is getting hotter every day. I feel lots of kicks now and they are finally strong enough for Jay to feel them too. At my last appt. they gave me all of the paperwork for the hospital. It freaked me out a little. This is really becoming real.

Nola Update: She is doing really well. I think she is going to be a great big sister. She tells me she is going to help do everything for the baby and she kisses my belly often. No name for him yet. She calls him baby.

She has a little attitude these days that seems to appear out of nowhere. Sometimes I can distract her and sometimes it turns into a full blow tantrum. I try to remember "to enjoy each day because I will be wishing for these days back soon enough!"

We are heading to New Orleans for Mike & Brandi's wedding. I promise to get some belly shots and put them up when we get back. Here we come hot weather!

Saturday, May 15, 2010

LSU Crawfish Boil!

Over the weekend we had our annual LSU crawfish boil. We recruited Uncle Keith & Aunt Heather to help us work. Nola was in her gear ready to tear up some crawfish!

This is her second batch of the season and she is definitely becoming a pro!

Aunt Kate & Uncle Matt joined us too as one last hoorah before they move to Texas.
What a switch!

Nola loves taking pictures these days... Dr. Jekyll

Mr. Hyde

Nola really loves her crawfish!

" take the head off...."
She cracks me up...she's getting it and she's not even 3 yet!
She is a southern girl!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Happy Mother's Day 2010!

Mother's Day was fantastic! It started with Nola and I going to church together and then when we got home, Nola & Jay gave me my presents. Nola opened all the cards and my present..a beautiful Chamilia bracelet.

A little background on this card: Nola & I were at Stop & Shop shopping for Mother's Day cards for everyone and she had 2 in particular that she would not put down. I got them from her but didn't look at them just put them back. Nola continued to talk about the sunshine card for days so Jay took her back to the store to get it. A few minutes later, Jay called me and said, "We have huge problems. The sunshine card says Grandma on it and Nola won't take no for an answer." I said don't worry about it, so Jay and Nola got the card and he changed the name to Mommy.

Doesn't it look perfect!

This is my first Mother's Day school gift!

One of my favorite presents is scratch-offs. This year Nola scratched every one.
She is truly a pro! She only won $4.

We went to brunch with Grandma, Grandpa, Uncle Keith, Aunt Heather & Ms. Rita.
It was nice spending time with everyone and it was delicious!

After brunch we went shopping to look for a computer armoire and some baby furniture. We still have a lot to do before the baby comes!
Then we came home to crash for a little bit before going to the Atwells for dinner and some play time. Thanks guys!

When we got home Nola was still obsessed with the sunshine card.

She walks around singing it over and over!

Here is a picture of my bracelet. I have 3 charms on it so far; a rose with mom on it, a little girl with pigtails holding a heart, and an open heart with crystals on it. You can keep adding more over time. I've already starred a bunch. I LOVE IT!

Nola's other new obsession....Bandaids! We go through about a box a week. Nola wears them like accessories and wants matching ones on her knees every night.


Thanks Jay & Nola for a wonderful day & for all of my gifts.
Although we didn't stick to our original plans we had a fun day!

Happy Mother's Day to Nana & to all we missed!

Grammie: we hope you continue to get better every day and we hope you get to go home soon!

23 week Update: I am really feeling great so far. I forget I'm pregnant sometimes. I don't have any swelling unless it starts getting hot. I was definitely very swollen and couldn't wear my rings at this point with Nola. I am very happy about that!

Right now the baby is more than 11 inches long and weighs just over a pound (about as much as a large mango). I am feeling the baby move often but the kicks aren't strong enough for Jay to feel yet. I'm sure in a few weeks he will.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Christopher Ryan Smith has arrived!

Tuesday, May 4th I picked up Lily from her daycare and brought her to our house to play with Nola for a little bit while Caitlin & Ryan were at the hospital having the baby.

As soon as they had Christopher they sent us a picture which I showed to Lily on my phone. She kept saying, "Baby, Baby, Mommy, Mommy!" It was so cute & special to be with Lily when she became a big sister!

It was too late to go to the hospital so after giving the girls a bath, we headed back to the Smiths to put Lily to bed. What an exciting night!

Wednesday, Nola & I headed to the hospital to see Aunt Caitlin who looks great! Lily had just gotten there and was meeting her baby brother for the first time!

Baby Christopher
(Looks just like Ryan!)

Nola & I

Happy Times

Nola took this picture! Christopher gave Lily a big sister present (cute idea)! He gave her a camera that she was reaching for. She kept pressing the buttons saying, "Cheese!"

Ryan & Lily!

Congratulations Smiths! We are so happy for y'all!
I am definitely a little nervous now!

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