Monday, July 28, 2008

12 month checkup!

We were a few weeks late for our 12 month checkup, but it gave Dr. Kahn a chance to see how well Nola is walking. She is an on the go baby and always wants to be down now! This is what I've been waiting for so I can burn some extra calories. HAHA! She is also saying a few words, Hi, Bye (with an accent), Mama (finally) and up. She is really trying to mimic what Jay and I are doing and saying. This is a really FUN stage!

Dr. Kahn said Nola is doing great. She is a little over 20lbs. which is 30-35 %, her height is 29-1/2 in. which is 65% (we are surprised with this one and are taking bets to see when she'll fall below average..she's got no chance to be tall but miracle do happen!) and her head circumference is 18 1/2 in. which is 95% (cause her brain is sooo big :).

Nola got 3 shots (chicken pox, pneumococcus, and Hep A). She was a trooper! At 15 months she is supposed to get her MMR shot which is the controversal one regarding a connection to autism. We are thinking about pushing it back or possibly even getting them separately. Let us know if you have any advice or suggestions.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You get the shot!!!! They haven't been able to prove the connection and you not only put Nola at risk but others at risk when you don't get vaccinations. Plus with y'all traveling as much as y'all do out of big international airports it would be STUPID in my opinion not to get her every possible vaccine!

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