Well the day finally came for Nola to start preschool. We can't believe it but we are so excited. She is definitely ready!
For those of you who don't know we started Nola at Hearts and Hands (a school where a lot of the mom's club kids go). Nola goes from 8:30 to 11:30 one day a week. My friend Ann Marie (Sydney's and Carlye's) mom watches Nola on Wednesdays and takes her with her girls.

Jay & I wanted to bring her on her first day and meet her teacher because we missed the Meet and Greet while we were in New Orleans.

I had to go to school for a little bit but met Jay and Nola to bring her together.
Jay took the 1st day pics!


We all met together outside of school so we could take a 1st day picture.
(Sydney, Carlye, Christopher, & Nola)

Sydney, Christopher & Nola are in class together. There are only 6 kids in the class and they make up 1/2 the class. Carlye goes to the 3 yr old class.
Funny story: Just hours before this I was consoling all of my friends at school who were crying because they had to leave their kids. I was giving the speech that it's okay cause we get holidays off and summers off, so it is kind of the best of both worlds. I thought I was even buying it UNTIL...

I had to walk Nola in and I felt this HUGE rush of emotion come over me and I started BAWLING. Look at her face (it's like MOM...get off of me!) I will never forget how excited and sad I was at the same time. I know it is only the first of many to come.

Signing Nola in

Her cubby and backpack....awww!

And in typical Nola fashion as fast as we walked in was as fast as she was off doing her own thing. They have a little play kitchen and where else would Nola be. Her first words there were "Where's the foods?"

So cute!

Nola & Daddy!
(He was a little sad too! He said, "
She's not a baby anymore!"

Nola had two teachers, Miss Eileen and Miss Christine.

Out of the 6 kids there, 3 were crying. Nola and Sydney were not. It was really funny to see how all the moms were hanging out in the hallway and watching their kids. No one would leave while their kids were crying. Jay & I wanted to stay longer, but Nola didn't need us. She didn't even look back. Even though it was a little sad to see her so independent, I will take it as a blessing.
SCHOOL UPDATE:When Nola came home she said she LOVED school. She said they read a book about bubbles and they played. As of today 9/20/09 Nola has gone twice and she still says she LOVES school. Also, I saw her teacher at a fair in Parsippany and she turned to my friend Sam and said, "Are you Nola's mom?" Sam said, "No, Kellie is." Miss Eileen said,"Oh I have to tell you last week when we read the story about bubbles, we counted 1,2,3, and Nola said 4,5,6,7 and I screamed to the other teacher to come hear Nola count!"
I took a breath and smiled because I really thought she was going to say,"Boy that girl can talk!"
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