Sunday, May 27, 2007

Week 33

7 weeks left! Jay and I graduated from childbirth classes. We had a lot of fun and we got a bunch of free stuff at the end, so Jay was happy :) I am really excited, but still don't feel ready.

NEW: We have added a baby pool where you can guess the birth date, sex, and weight. Click on the link to the right.Give us your best guess!
Of course I wanted to do it for money, but Jay said no. HAHA!

Here is what's happening to Baby (from week your baby weighs a little over 4 pounds and measures 17.2 inches. Thanks to his recent weight gain, he's losing that wrinkled alien look. Most of your baby's bones are hardening now, but his skull is still quite pliable. It's actually in separate pieces with spaces in between. This flexible structure allows your baby's head to compress so it can fit through your relatively narrow birth canal. The pressure on the head during birth is so intense that many babies are born with a conehead-like appearance. This is totally harmless, normal, and temporary. His skull plates won't completely fuse until he's about 9 to 18 months old.

Here is what's happening to Me (from may be feeling some aches and even numbness in your fingers, wrists, and hands. Like many other tissues in your body, those in your wrist can swell, which can increase pressure in the carpal tunnel, a bony canal in your wrist. Nerves that run through this "tunnel" end up pinched, creating numbness, tingling, shooting or burning pain, or a dull ache.

Sunday, May 20, 2007


Only 8 weeks left! We had our third birthing class this week. We saw three births: two natural and one c-section. I was amazed and grossed out at the same time. Is that possible? Jay's leg wouldn't stop shaking and when he saw the epidural I think he turned white. Good thing all dad's have to be seated while the epidural is given. Too many of them pass out! We only have one class left next week and then we graduate!

Here is what's happening to the baby(from now, your baby probably weighs almost 4 pounds and is almost 17 inches long, taking up a lot of space in your uterus. She has tiny toenails now, and her fingernails have grown in, too. Some babies have a head of hair already; others have only peach fuzz.

Here is what's happening to me(from blood volume (the plasma plus red blood cells) is now about 40 to 50 percent greater than before you became pregnant to accommodate the needs of you and your baby.

Saturday, we had our 4th annual Andersen crawfish boil & BBQ. We had a great shindig despite the rain. Thank God for Uncle Rob's big tent! Mike came up too and cooked the crawfish for us. Thanks for all of your help Mike!

Check out the pics:
Click Here for all the pics of the day

Sunday, May 13, 2007


Only 9 weeks left! This week I did something stupid. Go figure! I accidentally ironed my stomach. How did it get so big? It only left a little mark and the nurse at school said that I can't iron anymore. Oh well!
We also had a baby shower in New Jersey on Saturday. Thank you to my mother-in-law for putting it all together , to Heather for all of her help, and to all of my family and friends who joined us. Everything was so nice, especially the FOOD (we had chicken parm, of course).
Here are some pics:

Here is what's happening to Baby(from week, your baby measures about 16 inches long. He weighs a little over 3 pounds and is headed for a growth spurt. He can turn his head from side to side, and he's beginning to accumulate a layer of fat underneath his skin in preparation for life as a newborn. As a result, his arms, legs, and body are filling out.

FYI: Our softball record is 9-2 & next weekend is our 4th annual Andersen crawfish boil & BBQ! Stay tuned for pictures. Oh yea, Mike is coming up so the pics should be really good :)

Sunday, May 6, 2007

Week 30

WOW! Only 10 weeks left. This week Jay & I started our birthing classes. Way too much info! We learned a lot of vocabulary...anyone want ballottable for $400?
Anyway, the cool part was that we got to tour the hospital. They just opened a new wing in the labor & delivery unit. That means everything is brand new, including flat screen tvs, & we don't have to pay extra for a private room.
P.S. Jay was already looking for a wireless connection for the computer & a place to set up the Wii. Help me! :)

Today, John & Siobhan came over to hang out. We had a great time and Jay was trying to teach John how to hit a ball. He had fun playing but didn't seem to want to look at the camera!

As per request, I have included an updated shot. Hope you enjoy!

Here is what's happening to Baby(from baby's a bit more than 15 1/2 inches long now, and she weighs almost 3 pounds. A pint and a half of amniotic fluid surrounds her, but that volume will decrease as she gets bigger and fills out your uterus. Your baby is now able to distinguish between light and dark, and she can even follow a light source back and forth. Once she's born, she'll keep her eyes closed for a good part of the day. When she does open them, she'll respond to changes in light but won't be able to see more than a few inches in front of her face. You'll want to hold her close as much as possible so she can get a good look at you.

Here is what's happening to Me(from may be feeling a little tired these days, especially if you're having any trouble sleeping. You might also feel clumsy, which is perfectly understandable. Not only are you heavier, your balance is off and your joints are loosened, thanks to pregnancy hormones. Those loose joints can actually cause your feet to grow a shoe size --permanently.

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