Saturday, May 30, 2009

2009 LSU NYMetro Alumni Annual Crawfish Boil!

Saturday morning we headed back to the airport to pick up Uncle David! After we got him we went to the city to get ready for LSU NYMetro Alumni Association's annual crawfish boil!

Nola was ready!
"Crawsish PLEASE!!!!"

We had so many people we had to turn people away!
We had such a fun time!

Nola & Dad

We recruited my whole family to help with the crowds!
Thank y'all so much for all of your help!
Y'all are welcome anytime....I'm putting y'all in for a raise!

Uncle David worked security!

Family Pic!

Nola & Daddy!
Panty shot!

This year we had 3 bands and they were really good! The last band that went on was a Zydeco band from Manhattan...GO FIGURE! The kids LOVED them!


Nola jumped right in!

She's such a natural on the washboard!

Dancing with Uncle Tim!

Friday, May 29, 2009

Keith & Heather's Wedding Weekend: The Rehearsal!

Friday night we headed to St. Anthony's for the rehearsal at the church.
Heather & Keith looked so cute together!

Here comes the flower girl: running down the aisle!
Aunt Peppy bribed her with jewelry as you can tell so she took it all!

Brian & Dawn

After the rehearsal we all headed to Aldo's for dinner! The food was delicious but the company was even better!

Matt & Kate

Family pic

Nola & Cassie!

My parents picked up Nola so that we could enjoy ourselves a little bit but we couldn't stay out too late but Saturday was a big day!

Monday, May 25, 2009


Jay wasn't feeling well so we decided to stay home even though the Smiths invited us to the shore and I REALLY wanted to go! It ended up being a very relaxing and nice weekend. We even swam in our pool. It was the first time for Nola & I! On Saturday, we watched the Hannagan boys, John and Liam for a little bit. John wasn't even in the door and Nola was begging him to play tea party! John was a great sport!

"Nola can we at least have some cookies with our tea?"
"Sure John, how about some crumpets?"

Monday we went to the Atwells for a little while for a BBQ!
Thanks for having us it was alot of fun!
Fun & Games

"You better watch yourself...we don't allow too many pics around here!"

The kids went crazy when they set the sprinkler ball up but it was a little cold and all the kids were shivering and had blue lips. So, it didn't last long.

Thanks for a great time Atwells!

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Pee-Pees on the Potty?

Well, we're not really sure. We've been asking Nola if she wants to go pee-pee for the last 3 months. She likes to sit on the toilet and asks for a book or paper. HAHA! Today she said "I Pee-Peed!" We didn't really see anything but, we were all excited and sang the pee-pee song and gave her an M&M!

(6/11/09) Since then: she asks to sit on the potty and says "I Peed!" but she really didn't so we are not sure if she went for sure or not. My goal this summer is to potty train her and get rid of the pacifier. Wish me luck and stay tuned!

Monday, May 18, 2009

Crawfish Boil 2009

Thursday night Lenee & Baby Dan Michael came in town for our annual crawfish boil. Nola took to him immediately and wanted to take care of him.
Fun time in the tub!

Thursday night we just took it easy and caught up!

Friday I had to work and Ne watched the kids. Nola woke up with a little fever so we gave her Tylenol and she seemed to be okay. After work we went to Home Depot and got flowers to plant in the back yard. Ne worked her magic and the flowers came out so nicely. Thanks Ne! Friday night we got a babysitter while Jay, Ne and I went to SOGO for dinner.

Nola wore Dan Michael out so much, he fell asleep in the high chair. It was sooo cute! He was sleeping when Jen came over to watch the kids so when he woke up he FREAKED! Poor Jen called us and said he wouldn't stop crying. We cut our night short and brought the party home!

Saturday was the big day...the CRAWFISH BOIL! Everything was pretty much done ahead of time so we waited around for everyone to show up. It was supposed to rain so Jay was really stressed out but the weather held out and the crawfish were DELICIOUS!


Nola & Aunt Pep

Jay gettin his boil on!

Nola's first time touching the crawfish!

My godson....Baby Dan Michael...isn't he cute?!

There were sooo many kids this year. It was crazy!

Here Baby Jeffrey!

Ryan & Jeffrey

Jay's first swimmer of the year...Thanks Mikey!

"Hey guys! What are y'all doing in there? Wanna come play with the crawfish?"
"Okay Nola, help us escape and we'll make a run for it!"
"Sorry guys! It's every man for himself when it comes to crawfish...I really don't feel well but I don't want to miss out...and I have my crawfish shirt! Mmmm! Daddy you did a great job!"
Little Liam and his Momma
James & Lily
Grandma was in heaven with all the little kids around her!

THANKS TO EVERYONE for making the party so much fun!

We had a great time and can't wait till next year!

Sunday was a day of recovery and relaxing! The weather turned cool but the sun was still out so we took the kids to the park!


"Okay Dan Michael let's blow this joint...I know a great ice cream place right up the road!"

"Oh sure...we can take the train too!"

"Aunt Ne..You're CRAZY!"

It was a little windy so we headed back home to meet Caitlin, Ryan & Lily to eat some of the leftovers! Lily and Dan Michael really hit it off!

Dan Michael getting his first taste of Mississippi Mud Pie!

Do you think he liked it?

MMMM! Good!

"Oh Man..Don't cry was just a love pinch!"

"You better watch out..."

Poor Nola was sick!
We took her to the dr. on Monday and they said she had a cold with a mild pneumonia (her cough was coming from her lungs) and they put her on an antibiotic!

Ne and I spent her last day hanging out together since both kids weren't feeling well.
THANK YOU SO MUCH for visiting with us.
We had a great time and can't wait for you to come back!

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