Monday, June 30, 2008

Every First Brings a Last

"Mom, what's in this bottle? I really like it."


Nola had her first taste of Vitamin D milk today. Those of you who know me are saying, but she isn't even a year. I know. I know. The whole bottle isn't Vitamin D, it's half formula. I am introducing it this week so we will be off of formula when we go to New Orleans next Monday.

But as my friend Jen wrote on her blog, every first brings a last. As a new mom, we are impatiently waiting for the next milestone to take place, and we forget about the lasts. As we approach Nola's first birthday this Saturday I am extremely happy, but I am also sad. Where has this year gone? And each one will go faster than the next. I know this is only changing over to milk, but soon the bottles will be gone and my little girl will be going to school.

I am making a pact to try to cherish each moment, even when she is throwing stuff out of the grocery cart into the aisles or screaming to crawl on the dirty floor. I will be wishing for these times back soon enough. Enjoy it!

I love you Nola!

Sunday, June 29, 2008

WHAT?! No pictures!

YEP, I did it! It was MY fault...always Mom's fault...I forgot the camera. I can't believe I did something so horrible. SORRY!

We started our day by heading out to Liam Hannagan's (John's little brother) christening. It was very nice. I think God is preparing Nola & I for New Orleans next week because we have been having some really humid days in New Jersey...Gross!

Just imagine...Nola drove her car into the party and played outside with the kids in the pool and inside with the smaller babies. Siobhan's cousin, Kathleen, was there with her daughter, Mirade. Not sure if y'all remember but she was born at 23 three weeks weighing a little over 1lb. She is truly a miracle and she has beautiful eyes. I will see if Siobhan will send a pic for me to post.

After the christening, we headed to Hawthorne for Uncle Keith and Aunt Heather's engagement party. We had a GREAT time and enjoyed meeting a lot of the people that are going to be in the wedding next May.

OK for those of you who are TRUE Nola treckies, and read through the pictureless is a Bonus is of Nola this morning...sorry for my morning voice!

Friday, June 27, 2008


I finally made it to my first mom's club event. We had such a great time! Everyone was so welcoming and nice! I did get a few questions about teaching by a few nervous middle school parents, but it wasn't too bad.

Nola was a little quiet because she skipped her morning nap but had no trouble staying busy, especially in the mulch and mud.

Carlye eating goldfish

Here is Nola at the "big kid" table. Sorry I missed her face but I was leaping to get behind her so she didn't fall. I don't think she's quite ready yet!
Here is Elizabeth. She had gorgeous eyes and is a month older than Nola. She has a 3 year old sister and her mommy is 14 weeks pregnant again. WOW! I couldn't do it!

After Nola crawled through the muddy tunnel, it was about time to go. We weren't even in the car for 3 minutes when I turned around and she was OUT. I guess she had just as much fun as I did! We can't wait to do it again!

Wednesday, June 25, 2008


Anne Marie called this afternoon so we set up a playdate for the kids. I packed up Nola, grabbed our pool, and we headed over. Isn't she sooo cute!

Nola and Carlye decided to go on the swings because the water was a LITTLE cold. She looks a little apprehensive but had a good time once she figured out she had to hold on to the ropes.

Poor Sydney sat in the wagon cause there were only 2 swings. Thanks for sharing!

It got a little hot for the girls so we took them inside to play. Nola loves the kitchen set!

Here's a cute picture of her hanging out in her chair. She doesn't even look like a baby anymore :(



new added cabinets & wine rack
new breakfast bar
new counter-just need to do backsplash and floor now

Bonus video of Nola

First Day Off & Dinner at Michelle's

Here we go already, "What are you gonna get done today?" AAHHHHHH! I hate that question. So here is a picture in between tasks!

While our kitchen was being worked on, Nola & I had a dinner date at the DelSordi's. No one ever lets me take a picture of them while we are there, but here is Nola playing. We had some good laughs and GREAT food. She even sent a huge doggie bag for Jay.
Thanks Michelle, Allison & Kristen!
I think this is becoming her new favorite pose. Not sure why?

Sunday, June 22, 2008


Happy Graduation Danielle! You look beautiful!

We had such a great time at the Andersen's on Sunday. Nola had TONS of people who wanted to hold and play with her so it gave Jay & I a chance to hang out.
Family Pic!
Nola is obsessed with shoes AND sunglasses now!

Nola & Anacan
Nola & Karin
Hanging out with Uncle Bob!
Peggy Sue & Robert Goble
Nola & Danielle


Saturday, June 21, 2008

Ms. Hollywood

Friday night Aunt Dawn & Uncle Brian came over to hang out, eat pizza & test the pool. Fun times!

What a HAM! I was so surprised she left them on but she wanted them on all day! We started the day by going SHOPPING....Nola's favorite and then we picked up Dad and headed over to Rob & Megan's for a BBQ! Everyone loved Ms. Hollywood!SMILE!
Nola & Rob's mom
Family Pic
Workin the glasses!
Nola with Uncle Jack & Aunt Cheryl
"Ooh Uncle Jack thanks for blowing me bubbles. Want to come
home with us so we can play?"

Singing to myself

Bonus pics of our new pop-up

CONGRATULATIONS TO UNCLE DAVID, AUNT CHRISTY, & TRIPP who closed on their new house in PA yesterday. We can't wait to visit for Labor Day!

SAFE TRIP PRAYER FOR NANA & GRUMPS who are going to VA tomorrow morning and then to PA Wednesday to see the Clays!


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