Sussex County Fair!
On Sunday we went to the Sussex County Fair with the Foxes. There was so much to do and see. We started with the baby chicks and Nola went right up to the lady and asked if she could feed them. So cute!
After some seeing some was off to games and rides. Where would we go first?
Of course, Pick the Duckie!
Now she starts picking even before we pay...she usually gets about 12 picks when we pay for 3!
It was very hot, rainy and humid...getting us ready for the New Orleans whether...hence the crazy hair. I was sweating like crazy! Nola wanted to ride this $200 wooden cow so I was a freaking a little!
Sara & Dawn watching from the sidelines.
Next year, Sara you will be riding with the rest of the kids!
We also met up with the Atwells while we were there and
of course adventurous Sydney wanted to ride also!
The third ride was the ferris wheel but I didn't get a picture of Nola and Jay.
I did get a pic of Sara who had so much fun she was wiped out!
Sydney, Carlye & Nola hanging out patiently by the stroller while Jay played!
When everyone else left we walked around for a little while longer. They had a place where kids could pick apples off the tree and dig for potatos. It was really cute!
Apples on the tree!
More Pics
We had a blast and we definitely go again next year!
After the fair, we went to the Markley's for a BBQ, but I took so many pics at the fair our battery died. He had a fun time hanging out and I know Jay loved the basment theater (I did too!)
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